in Cars

in Cars

ISBN: 9780888013255
Author: Kimmy Beach

The 2007 Kimmy Beach model, in Cars, is a crowd-pleasing look at the lives of rural teenagers in western Canada, and includes a free-wheeling tour of love, cars, and roller rinks.

As the speakers pound out instantly recognizable hits of the eighties, Beach looks under the hood of female desire. Wearing string-back driving gloves, hands at two and ten o'clock, she investigates our fascination with cars and the way they crash. Wearing her white Sure-Grip high-tops roller skates with Precision Bearing wheels, Beach blows smoke in the face of the poetry establishment.

Standard features of in Cars include youthful lust and squealing tires, muscle cars and disco balls. Optional extras include style, smarts, and Fancy Ass jeans.

in Cars showcases an unmistakeably original poetic voice. Kimmy Beach, the reigning poet of pop/mainstream culture, pops the clutch with this exploration of the nexus of libido, danger, and the darkness at the centre of attraction.

birdball500pxTurnstone Press Ltd.

206-100 Arthur Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

R3B 1H3


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