Best of All Possible Worlds, The

Best of All Possible Worlds, The

ISBN: 9780888016256
Author: David Arnason

David Arnason has spent a lifetime along the shores of Lake Winnipeg near the town of Gimli and the community of New Iceland. A keen observer, not much misses his notice and over his long writing career the lake and the community he grew up in have figured prominently in his work. The Best of All Possible Worlds is a loving reflection of the land and the people that have made him one of Canada’s most loved story tellers.

Tracking the course of his early ancestors, Arnason paints a picture of a community tied to the old world and the new. From the festivities of islendingadagurinn to the century old general store that continues to be a corner stone of the community, the stories in the The Best of All Possible Worlds bring the warmth and peace of lake living to bear in difficult times.

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