School's back is session and if you thought two months with the kids home was rough, how about spending a full year homeschooling them on a trip around the world?? Enter our September Book Club Giveaway to find out how a Winnipeg couple did just that in Don't Try This at Home!

DontTryThisFNL 1000Daria and Rob2019 credSierraFriesen1000From now until September 27, 2019, sign your book club up for our Book Club E-news List and be entered for a chance to win an exclusive visit with authors Rob Krause and Daria Salamon to chat about their new book.* (Book clubs who have already signed up for this mailing list receive automatic entry into this and future book club draws.) We also know how important it is to have some food along with your favourite beverages so count us in to send along a gift card** for some snacks from a nearby retailer and six copies of Don’t Try This at Home: One Family's (mis)Adventures Around the World.

Visit our website and social media for book club specific content such as discussion questions and more.

* Remote visit via Skype or other mutually-agreed-upon platform. Date for the visit to be determined based upon the author's and the book club's schedules.
**Snack gift card value $25.00 from a major grocer retailing in the winner's area.

How to enter:

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206-100 Arthur Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

R3B 1H3


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