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Stand the Sacred Tree

Stand the Sacred Tree

ISBN: 9780888012876

How do you see the world, and how does the way you see the world change the world, and change you?

Stand the Sacred Tree is book of travel and nature, birds and water (or the lack of it), the joy of life and the sorrow of illness.

Stand the Sacred Tree had its genesis in Weier’s previous memoir, Marshwalker. It grew out of the questions he explored and the opportunities that were offered. Weier traveled widely—to Syria, Iceland, Holland, Denmark, and in Canada—and wondered at what (if anything) connects these places and their diverse landscapes and cultures. Icelandic horses to Syrian cab drivers. And, of course, birds; he never stops thinking of birds.

What he discovers is people obsessed with place, with travel; each destination, each trip without exception leading to another. Each new landscape brings new exotic birds and flowers, new friends. Yet everywhere there is always something haunting and familiar.

Stand the Sacred Tree isn't fiction, nor is it non-fiction; it is about the truth of John's life as a traveler; about how the journey can tell one more about one's self than about the place one goes.

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206-100 Arthur Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

R3B 1H3


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