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questions i asked my mother

questions i asked my mother

ISBN: 9780888015051

questions I asked my mother

is a seminal work of both Canadian and Mennonite literature. Included in this new edition, poet and scholar Tanis MacDonald reflects in a critical essay on the the impact of Di Brandt’s poetry on Canadian literature. questions I asked my mother embodies a bold vision of the feminine that confronts centuries of patriarchal culture. Powerful and lyrical, filled with humour and intelligence, Brandt’s language enfolds desire and hate, birth and death, mother and child.

“You can feel the warmth of the poets breath, sometimes gasping, sometimes singing, always affirming life itself. Read these poems. They will take your breath away.” —Magdalene Redekop

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206-100 Arthur Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

R3B 1H3


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